The Second Season of The Duck Chronicles begins today. In S2 -The Duck Chronicles – Episode One – Another Journey Has Begun the new ducks are here, and I had to run out and get them at 5 AM because a shipping delay caused them to be a day longer in transit than expected. We only lost one little girl due to that, and sometimes that just happens.
We had one get really wet and cold before I got the right waterers in the brooder but all are happy and dry and eating like mad now.
One little gal was in a cup used to provide Grow Gel for them in transit. She looked dead but turned out to just need some warmth, love and a bit of water. She does have some mobility issues but has already improved a great deal, so I think she will be fine.
These are the reptile screw in heat emitters I use
To see all past episodes including the full first season just visit,
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You mentioned only letting the ducks in the pond for a couple hours a day. Is that for the good of the ducks, or the good of the pond? Is there a disadvantage to ducks having constant access to a pond, or is it more a matter of number of ducks vs. size of pond? Glad to see Season 2 starting!
It is about the pond more than the ducks. The pond is VERY small, too small to have them in there for a full week at a time without really jacking up the biology. If I had better land I would put a deep .2-.25 acre pond on each of my three acres and never fill a kiddie pool again.
When you see episode three later today it will make sense.
Do y’all have bees?
Three hives